- November 2nd, 2015

The Department of Public Works advises that there will be a closure of the 94 year old, 274 foot Greenfield Bridge between Alger Street in Greenfield to Overlook Drive in Schenley Park to accommodate the reconstruction of a new bridge beginning Friday night, October 16, 2015, at approximately 10:00 p.m. Traffic will be detoured around the bridge with the aid of a posted detour. Go to (http://greenfieldbridge.otmapgh.org/) for more information on posted detours.
Beginning noon on Sunday, October 18, 2015, pedestrian and cycling traffic will be restricted from the bridge. Pedestrians and cyclists can use the Junction Hollow trail via the Alexis Street steps or Saline Street in Greenfield, and Joncaire steps or Joncaire Street in Oakland. Improvements are being made to these routes to better accommodate pedestrians and cyclists.
The Department of Public Works and Public Safety have established regular meetings to prepare for and respond to traffic conditions resulting from the closure. In addition, CMU’s Mobility Analytic Center, a division of its Traffic 21 Institute, has developed a regional model for simulating traffic conditions under varying conditions. This model is being used to assess the potential impacts and possible improvements relative to the bridge closure.
Port Authority Transit Routes including the 52L Homeville Limited / 53L Homestead Park Limited / 58 Greenfield / 93 Lawrenceville-Oakland-Hazelwood have already been rerouted off the bridge. For the new routes go to http://gcapgh.org/2015/07/no-bridge-new-bus-routes/.
At various times between now and the late December implosion, travel lane restriction in either direction will be implemented on the Parkway East, I-376. The traveling public will be notified in advance of these restrictions when they become known. From December 26, 2015, to January 3, 2016, I-376 will be closed in each direction for a five day period in order to implode the Greenfield Bridge structure.
The reconstruction of the bridge includes new bridge abutments, bridge piers, structural steel and new bridge deck consisting of three travel lanes, a bike lane and a sidewalk, with bridge barriers and fencing which will span each side of the new bridge.
The City and the Oakland Transportation Management Association (OTMA), have established a community outreach website (http://greenfieldbridge.otmapgh.org/) in order to keep the public informed of the Greenfield Bridge construction activities and answer any questions posed by the public.
This closure is expected to be in effect until completion in 2017.
The project is a City of Pittsburgh project with PennDOT and Federal Highway Administration oversight. The work is being performed by Mosites Construction Company, a heavy civil highway and bridge contractor.
If you have any questions concerning this closure, please contact Mr. Aaron Pickering, Project Manager of Michael Baker International, at 412-269-6423, or via email to Apickering@mbakerintl.com.