- June 24th, 2022

The draft 2023 STIP reflects the first four years of the 12-Year Program (TYP). It lists prioritized projects identified for federal, state, local, and private funding in each federal fiscal year between 2023 and 2027. Federal funding in the draft STIP is based upon expected funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), a $3.2 billion increase over previously planned amounts.
Included are 23 regional Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), the independent Wayne County TIP, and two statewide-managed programs, the Interstate Management Program and Statewide Initiatives TIPs, all of which were developed collaboratively between PennDOT, its federal partners, and the state’s metropolitan and rural planning organizations.
The draft 2023 STIP can be viewed on the Talk PA Transportation website. The public can comment by filling out the online comment form at the website or emailing RA-PennDOTSTC@pa.gov. The public may also call PennDOT and share their comments at 717-783-2262 from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
This infographic was created specifically for the draft 2023 STIP Comment Period and provides an overview of the process.
State law requires PennDOT to prepare an update to Pennsylvania's TYP every two years and submit it for approval to the State Transportation Commission (STC). The draft 2023 STIP will be adopted as part of the 2023 TYP update by the STC during the August 17, 2022, STC business meeting.
After the approval of the 2023 TYP, PennDOT submits the draft 2023 STIP to the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and the US Environmental Protection Agency for a 45-day federal review period.
“We encourage and eagerly anticipate public feedback on our transportation improvement program,” said PennDOT Secretary Yassmin Gramian. “It is critical to understanding needs and concerns across the commonwealth and helps us shape a vision for Pennsylvania's transportation future that supports continuing economic growth and opportunity, connectivity, thriving communities, a cleaner environment, and safe travel."
Learn more about transportation planning by visiting the Planning page at penndot.pa.gov.
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How it works: The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) lists statewide planned projects and assigns funding over a four-year period. It includes the 24 regional Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) and two statewide-managed TIPs (Interstate Management Program TIP and Statewide Initiatives TIP). PennDOT submits the draft STIP to the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and the US Environmental Protection Agency for review and approval. Visit the website or view the full Draft 2023 STIP as a PDF here.
When is it updated: The STIP is updated every two years after the regional TIPs are submitted and approved. The Draft 2023 STIP is currently available for public review. The Public Comment Period for the draft is ongoing from June 15 through June 30, 2022. The STIP makes up the first four years of the 12-Year Program (TYP).
Public Participation Opportunities:
- Participate locally during the regional TIP updates
- Learn about the STIP process using this infographic
- Participate in the 12-Year Program Update (TYP)
- Provide public comment on the Draft 2023 STIP during the Public Comment Period ending June 30, 2022